Oct 25, 2015

Wild Animals Caught Barehanded

Description: WARNING:  The following footage contains dangerous and venomous animals being captured by an experienced person. Trying to replicate the following footage may result in serious injury or death. All footage taken was permitted within private property locations throughout Australia. Aboriginal people are warned that some of the following footage may contain images of indigenous members. A predator is stalking. A predator is stalking. But it is not a leopard A predator is watching. A predator is watching. But it is not an eagle A predator is lurking. A predator is lurking. But it is not a crocodile. A predator unlike you have seen Documentary with a difference You will be entertained I will show you a documentary like never before. Something I have been preparing for is near Become closer to nature Reunite with your inner instincts Discover a world unknown I will be the first person to attempt this mission. A highly dangerous trek into the unknown But just wait I haven't told you where I'm going yet. Last time was about knowing how to hunt... This time it's about not being hunted. Ucles vs Africa Get ready for a thriller Join the adventure. Find out more, visit the website.

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