Oct 25, 2015

20 Largest Animals of All Time

20 - Macroptychaster Sea Stars
• Found in antarctic waters in 2008, though gigantism is common there
• 2 feet in width, they feed on invertebrats and smaller sea stars, found over 600 meters below water
• Holding them is like holding up a small infant 19 - Giant Weta Cricket
• 11 species, HUGE insect
• Body length of 4 inches, weighs 20-30g
• They've been known to devour giant vegetables alone
• They're greek name is Deinacrida, "the Terrible Grasshopper" 18 - Capybara
• largest rodent in the worlds, like a giant hamster
• Found in South America, usually near water
• They reach 1.5 meters in length, 3 feet tall, and weigh over a hundred kilograms
• They typically hang out in large packs 17 - Giant African land snail
• Their shells alone grown to the length of 18 centimetres and 9 cenimetres wide, the entire snail can reach up to 8 inches in length
• Frequently confiscated at airports because people keep these things as pets, mainly because people value their size, distinctive markings and rarity
• Though the snail is technically considered a pest that negatively affects agriculture and ecosystems 16 - Dalmatian Pelican
• Found all over the place, from Southeastern Europe, China and parts of India, mainly around swamps and lakes
• It gets upwards of 160cms in length, 30 pounds in weight and with wings spread, 3 metres in length
• It's also the worlds heaviest bird species, though there are exceptions from time to time 15 - Flemish Giant
• Domesticated rabbits, massive, often mistaken for dogs
• Weights 10 to 12kg
• They were bred in the 16th century near belgium, also the ancestor to many rabbits alive today
• Since the early 1900s they're primarily seen in livestock shows due to their size and varying colours and they've been dubbed. [...]

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